Episode 12: Exploring British feelings (pages 53-56)

UPDATE: This comic is now banned in Reddit’s r/gamedev!! 😀 😀 😀 Interviewing employees of Rope; Lope explores his feelings as an artist; CAI struggles with his continuing poverty and deteriorating health; Brits and their mild manners.Next episode 10.9.(Back in 2010, panels from page 55 of the original finnish blog were featured in this ArsContinue reading “Episode 12: Exploring British feelings (pages 53-56)”

Chapter 2 begins! (Episode 09, Pages 36-41)

In chapter 2, our friends travel to UK in the spring of 1996. This episode talks about arcade coin-ops and how 3D graphics changed the game industry. Also, how to not behave in a job interview! Yes, it’s been a long time! From now on, there will be new episode every sunday.Therefore, episode 10 isContinue reading “Chapter 2 begins! (Episode 09, Pages 36-41)”

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